More DC Principles in the news
A Not-For-Profit Publisher�s Perspective on Open Access. Serials Review, volume 30, no.4 (2004)
Not-for-profit Publishers Object to Government-run Manuscript Distribution Program
Biomedical agency floats open-access plan. Nature, Vol. 431, pg. 115. 9 September 2004.
DC Principles Coalition joins with PSP/AAP and AMPA to Send Open Letter to Dr. Zerhouni
Ann Okerson, On being scientific about science publishing. Nature Web Focus, Nature Publishing Service, August 2004.
Open Does Not Mean Free! The Physiologist, Vol. 47, No. 4. August 2004.
DC Principles Coalition Correspondence with Dr. Elias Zerhouni, NIH Director
Letter sent - April 23, 2004
Response - July 1, 2004
Bettie Sue Masters The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, USA and Judith S. Bond College of Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, USA. A professional society's take on access to the scientific literature. Nature, 8 July 2004.
Beth Schachter, Of Mice and Men. Folio: Magazine June 2004
Global Health Policy And Free Access To Information. Health Affairs, Vol 23, Issue 3, 7-8 Copyright � 2004 by Project HOPE
�Open� Versus �Free� Journals. ScienceNOW, Malakoff 2004 (316):1
Library and Advocacy Organizations Praise Call for Free Access to Science. Alison Buckholtz, SPARC Press Release-03/16/04
US societies back expanded free access to research. Katie Mantell, SciDev.Net 18 March 2004
Sci-Tech Not for Profit Publishers Commit to Limited Open Access. Barbara Quint, Information Today, Inc. March 22, 2004
Societies take united stand on journal access. Jim Giles Nature 428: 356, 25 March 2004
Scientific Societies� Publishing Arms unite Against Open-Access Movement. Lila Gutterman, The Chronicle of Higher Education March 26, 2004
Scientific Societies lay Out �Free Access� Principles. David Malakoff, Science 303: 1959, 26 March 2004